<!-- ONE STEP TO INSTALL DAYS TILL DATE: 1. Add the first code to the BODY of your HTML document --> <!-- STEP ONE: Add the first code to the BODY of your HTML document --> <BODY> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- Original: Alan Palmer --> <!-- Web Site: http://www.users.dircon.co.uk/~apalmer --> <!--Total Java Scripts 99 - Next Step Software--> <!-- Begin var date = new Date("January 1, 2000"); var description = "the year 2000"; var now = new Date(); var diff = date.getTime() - now.getTime(); var days = Math.floor(diff / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)); document.write("<center><h3>") if (days > 1) { document.write(days + " days until " + description); } else if (days == 1) { document.write("Only two days until " + description); } else if (days == 0) { document.write("Tomorrow is " + description); } else { document.write("It's" + description + "!"); document.write("</h3></center>"); } // End --> </script> <!-- Script Size: 1.16 KB -->
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